Cédric G.

Cédric G.

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Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Cédric G.

Accepts new students
Free trial lesson

Native speaker teaching French for all levels / Muttersprachler unterrichtet Französisch für alle Niveaus

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  22 €
Price From 22 €
Tutoring subjects:


Bonjour ! Hallo ! Hi !

Do you want to learn French with a native speaker ? Whether you just want to improve your command of the language, or have more specific needs (e.g. preparing for an exam), I will be happy to help you reach your goals !

I am a French native speaker with 10+ years of experience of providing tutoring at all levels. Through an effective method, I can help you learn whatever topics you specifically need, from the basics of the language to more advanced topics.

I will provide you with all the learning material, customized to your specific needs.

I teach online only.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon!


Lesson types

Trial lesson

Free / 45 min

22 € / 60 min